Thriving Lifestyle Business

Your 24/7 Leadership Gym

The Thriving Lifestyle Business is a virtual leadership gym for business owners and persevering learners.
We offer management workshops and resources to help you do better– in your business, on your team,
and towards your clients. With this, your business will surely go from surviving to thriving.

C O U R S E   O V E R V I E W

Planning Workshop

An elaborate process of creating (and following through!) a series of steps and actions in order to make your boat go faster towards your ultimate goal.


Strategic Foundation

An exploration of your vision, goals, values, and secret sauce recipe to create a powerful purpose statement that will help the whole team in working that win.


Marketing Playbook

Building marketing clarity and strategy around who you serve, and what problem you want to solve in order to rocket your results in all areas of your business.


Jeannie Doherty
Thriving Lifestyle Business Coach

Jeannie runs a Strategic Bookkeeping practice on the beautiful Gold Coast, Australia.

Jeannie has a unique business background. Having been raised by high profile, successful retail entrepreneurs, she was privileged to attend the “School of Hard Knocks” and learn from the ground up what it takes to truly scale a business.

Jeannie has since then dedicated herself to innovation and development of products and methodologies– with a foundation in numbers– to help her clients transform their business from surviving to thriving.

Jeannie’s niche is “working dads”, primarily trades and services. Because of this, she’s passionate about the impact her work can have on families. Helping families thrive is what gets her out of bed in the morning.

Personally, Jeannie is a proud mum, lover of Latin Dance, and advocate for putting your health first. 


Thriving Lifestyle Business exists as a place to build your dream business and life. 

We have everything you need in one place, available 24/7, 365!

To know more about what's in store for you, click here.

Questions? Drop us a line!

[email protected]